This pregnancy goes to show that the UK press or really anyone, doesn’t know a single thing about Meghan and Harry. There was no article hinting that she might be pregnant but more than enough saying they would wait two years, she was drinking and partying and thus couldn’t be, Zika risk and them having to wait 6 months. And SURPRISE! She’s on the tour 4 months pregnant and went to Fiji and Tonga! the egg that continues to be on their face is priceless.

So, let me get this straight, people said she couldn’t be pregnant because Megs was engaging in behaviors that most people with common sense think would endanger a baby, such as drinking alcohol or getting infected with the Zika virus. 

And you think that is…okay?! For Megs to do things that would E-N-D-A-N-G-E-R her baby???

So, are you telling me that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and microcephaly mean nothing to you? 

I can only assume as much since you are the arrogant dumbass who thinks it’s better to see the press with egg on their face rather than an expectant mother taking health and safety precautions for her baby to be healthy. Good luck with that.

Why don’t you come back here at the end of March 2019 and tell me how Megs is enjoying the press with egg on their face not publishing how–yet again–another marriage of hers is in shambles. And that she is completely over being married to Harry. 

Beware the Ides of March 2019 and what comes after.


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